

AFCEA Pensacola 2016 Summer Cyber Camp is a five-day technical camp designed to excite elementary and middle school students about cybersecurity and STEM career opportunities. Students will learn important cyber defense skills through hands-on instruction and fun activities in a well equipped computer training classroom.

Middle school students will learn how to protect their personal devices and information from outside threats, as well as how to harden entire networks running Windows and Ubuntu operating systems. We will use curriculum developed by the Air Force Assocation's CyberPatriot National Youth Cyber Education Program.

Elementary students will learn how to protect their personal devices, the basics of online safe practices, and learn through fun computer coding games, puzzles, and videos. Curriculum will include materials developed by the Air Force Association's CyberPatriot Elementary School Cyber Education Initiative.


Cyber Camp Info:

  • Camps are held at Global Business Solutions, Inc. (GBSI)  training classrooms in Pensacola
  • Camps run Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
  • Drop off students between 8:15 and 8:30 a.m., please pick up your student at 12:00 p.m.
  • A snack break is included each day, lunch is not provided
  • Fee per student for one week of camp is $50
  • Elementary camps are for ages 7-10; Middle School camps for ages 11-14
  • Each camp is limited to 12 students


Camp Schedule:

(click the date to register and submit payment via EventBrite)

  • June 27 - July 1, Elementary Camp  -  SOLD OUT
  • July 11 - 15, Middle School Camp  -  SOLD OUT  
  • July 18 - 22, Elementary Camp  -  SOLD OUT
  • July 25 - 29, Middle School Camp  -  SOLD OUT    

For additional questions or information, contact Tony Ferguson at GBSI: 850-944-7579








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